9th January 2022

9th January 2022

While trying to play a version of an old folk song called the Blacksmith I got the idea for a new melody. A few days later I was reading an article in the latest edition of the Ricardian Bulletin. It is titled 'The valiant squires of sacred Easter day.' This gave me the idea for some new lyrics to go with the tune which is about the young squires of the also young Richard Duke of Gloucester. These squires were killed at the battle of Barnet. They were both buried together in the prestigious London church of the Greyfriars. I think that Richard was deeply affected by their deaths. This is because their names are recorded in an indenture in which he instructs the recipients of an endowment to pray for his family, deceased members of the house of York and includes the names of the two squires.

The Valiant Squires

Young Thomas Parr killed on Easter day

As the morning mist slowly fades away

Revealing the dead bodies fallen on the ground

The aftermath of battle scattered all around

The valiant young Squires of sacred Easter day

For their souls young Richard he would pray

John Milewater killed on Easter day

As the morning mist slowly fades away

The humble and the mighty fallen on the ground

Including the Kingmaker whose name is so renowned

The valiant young Squires of sacred Easter day

For their souls young Richard he would pray

Buried in London's church of the Greyfriars

A noble resting place for the Duke of Gloucester's Squires

The valiant young Squires of sacred Easter day

For their souls young Richard he would pray

© Rainbow Starshine Productions 2023- Version 10.2 September 2023